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Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello, if you didn't already know or couldn't tell, my name is Allyson. I was born and raised in Logan, West Virginia. I spend the majority of my time at work. I am a cashier at a gas station. It has its good and bad days. Hopefully, I will get a degree and get a better job in the near future. I hope to achieve a degree in Information Technology. I also love spending time with my cousins two sweet little boys. The oldest is a few months shy of being 5 years old, and the youngest is, also, a few months shy of 3 years old. They are possibly the meanest and sweetest two children I have ever met. My Xbox and my car are more than likely my two most prized possessions. Even though at times I would like both of them to be totaled. Even though my time is limited, I also thoroughly enjoy softball and basketball. I play both as a kid, and also played some in high school. Lately all I get to be involved in is watching them on TV. That is pretty much all their is to my boring yet blessed life.