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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Top 10 IT Halloween Costumes

To be festive and all that I usually am not, lets take a look at what all of the "geeks" are dressing up as this Halloween. So here is my top 10 techy Halloween costumes.

1. Mozilla Firefox

Why not be the second best web browser?

2. Tetris

What better than joining a group of friends in dressing up as a great game?

3. An xbox

Simple and the best game console. Maybe not all that crafty, but it works.

3. Android

Who wouldn't want to be a trash can android for a day?

4. Cybrog

Nothing further even needs to be said.

5. Geek Squad

That little boy is just adorable. 

6. Super Mario Bros.

My favorite game as a kid. I kinda wanna go make it.

7. Pacman Arcade Game

8. Game Boy

Ah, the good days. I miss my game boy.

9. Pacman and Ghost

Run Pacman Run!!

10. Transfomer

That is pretty flippin' awesome!

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